Resilient Kids Issue 2 on Revue

Hello and welcome to another random "Resilient Kids" update, weaving in the 3Vs Resilience Bolstering Framework, with fun and creative stuff too.

As a parent, if you could create a chapter heading for something you need support with right now, what would you call it?

I'm working out how to create a short Resilient Kids online course, with bite-sized easy ideas to support overwhelmed parents,

Also, I'd welcome a conversation with 5 readers of this newsletter to work out what to centre the course around, so can you help please?

4 Things You May Find Interesting

Our children are not all the same.

"Alike" is an animated short film directed by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez

“What about your Mother having to make them in the shed until 12 o’clock at night” (added after my mum read this blog!)

“Race to Nowhere” is a film that calls us to challenge current thinking about how we prepare our children for success. Named by TakePart.

Resilient Kids Merch

14 resilience boosting notes that can be read or printed. Perfect for those moments when you need your warrior within to dig in. Pop them in a bag to pull out to read when you need. PAY WHAT YOU FEEL

An Event You Might Enjoy

Join me on zoom for this relaxed, gentle, and soothing virtual session. CLICK

💥Creative Nudge

🔚And Finally

⌛Almost there

Resilient Kids Social Hangouts

CONNECT WITH Jane at RESILIENT KIDS on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook or simply reply to this update to say hello. We can even have a conversation if you like HERE.

You are receiving this email because a) your child, teenager or you came along to a virtual or face-to-face session b) signed up for an event on Eventbrite or c) subscribed via my website. You can of course unsubscribe at any time below. Else you may like to contribute too...

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