How Not To Enjoy Halloween

👀Can you spot the odd mummy out below?

Courtesy of my "mummy" friend Cath at Baking With Kids. You can follow her funny, messy, resilience boosting baking stories here.

📆This week, we've been largely bedridden with COVID. My teens took initiative and ordered an online grocery delivery. This turned out to be mostly protein yoghurts, vanilla ice-cream, chocolate and bread. Our neighbour kindly topped us up with a few of the vital missing ingredients ie, food, which sadly we currently can't smell or taste.

In the meantime, I've managed to haul myself downstairs to recycle, repurpose and upcycle a blog I wrote called "8 Ideas For A Greener Halloween" and it's 👉 here.

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A simple 9-page ebook for you to add you're grateful thoughts to and give your resilience a nudge.

What are you grateful for today?

🎫An Event Your Kids May Be Too Scared To Join

Resilient Kids facilitates spaces for kids to feel good and flourish. Encouraging organic growth, social, emotional learning and tools for resiliency.

💥Creative Nudge

⌛And Finally

Resilient Kids Social Hangouts

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🎃Happy Halloween, if it's your kind of thing!


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