This may make you cry

"Have you ever watched Bambi?" 8-year-old Scarlett asked me.

"Yes, when I was a little girl, I found it a bit sad though!"

"I love the romantic ending, can we make a little video in Canva with some nice music?"


Here it is, directed by Scarlett.

All we need is LOVE.

šŸ”—More Links You May Find Interesting

Young people and climate warriors all over the world are not giving a toss about the verbal gas and grandstanding pollution spewing out of COP26! READ ON

Warning these may make our kids laugh. LIGHTEN UP

Itā€™s our responsibility as parents to be explicit, conscious and reflective in how we choose to usher our children onto the right path ā€“ both online and offline. AGREE?

and on your own. DOT'S ADVENTURE

Are you BRAVE and WILD? Also RECOMMENDED by Scarlett

šŸ™Resilient Kids Coaching Books & Gatherings

Two things might spring to mind as you consider reading this e-book -

  1. Will I feel more confident about sleep as a parent?

  2. Is this sleep ebook only suitable for parents of 8-year-old overwhelmed children?

To the first: YES. To the second: NO it can easily be adapted.

And also included - a meditation, soothing visualisation, and healing soundtrack from Andy Prince Music. PAY WHAT YOU FEEL.

šŸ’”Resilient Parents & Resilient Kids

"Thank you for an inspired and refreshing experience today! I often talk about "resiliency" with adults but we have yet to translate that conversation into the language of our small human." GATHER HERE

"I found the resilient parenting group, incredibly helpful and supportive. As a dad of two daughters, dealing with everything from friendships, to household chores, to getting a goods nights sleep, the ideas and shares in the group, were useful to both me and to my family." YOU DON'T HAVE TO FEEL ALONE

šŸ’„Creative Nudge

āŒ›And Finally

šŸ“±Lets Connect

CONNECT WITH Jane at RESILIENT KIDS on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook or simply reply to this update to say hello. We can even have a conversation if you like HERE.

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Thank you for being here.

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (isH)


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