You Don't Have to Feel Alone

enjoy this nurturing and resilience bolstering hour for you and your child virtually or in person...

Expect a little art and craft, nature connection, mindfulness, movement and storytelling - I bring the resources and tailor the session for you.

The booking info is HERE

👀Take a peek at these reads ⤵️

🌿Creative Nudge

📱Lets Connect

CONNECT WITH Jane at RESILIENT KIDS on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook or simply reply to this update to say hello. We can even have a conversation if you like HERE.

You are receiving this email because a) your child or you came along to a virtual or face-to-face session, or b) signed up for an event on Eventbrite. You can of course unsubscribe at any time below. Else you may like to contribute too...

Thank you

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And Finally 🔚


or to participate.